Linqa is a great online tool for bilingual collaboration. In Linqa, users can upload documents to a digital whiteboard. They can discuss them in a parallel, automatically translated chat. In addition, they can arrange headings and notes on the board which are also automatically translated.

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We show the bilingualism of the chat.

Linqa displays the original and the machine translation in parallel and marked accordingly.

Messages and their translations are displayed simultaneously. All content is visible in both languages and can be re-edited to manually improve the automatic translation

The Linqa platform helps to overcome language barriers by providing shared workspaces.

Consists of both a whiteboard, on which texts, documents, videos, notes and photos can be placed, and a chat/discussion area.

As a user of the Linqa platform, you are a member of one or more shared workspaces, you communicate and collaborate with the other members of the workspace.

Linqa Overview

Linqa is ideal for documenting workshops.

The costs for customization and further development of the software are based on your individual requirements: Price by agreement.

You can read documents and notes, watch videos, annotate and download documents.

Notes, text blocks, headings and document names are translated automatically. There is a separate discussion forum for documents.

Each workspace has a chat/discussion area. Messages and their translations are displayed simultaneously. There is a general chat as well as special discussions on a specific document or text block.

Linqa is an open-source software and collaborative effort, its further development benefits all users. This collective approach leads to the creation of new functions and application options, enhancing the overall capabilities of the software.

We at DMX, a Berlin-based IT company, have been working on the bilingual software since 2021. It all started with the development of the online platform in collaboration with the Franco-German Zukunftswerk. Based on the positive experiences, we are convinced that even more European organizations can benefit from multilingual and GDPR-compliant software.

In collaboration with the
Franco-German Zukunftswerk

Customer Feedback


We would like to present you with some of the feedback we have received from our clients.

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Adam Naber

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List item 5

Robin Denz

Would you like to try out Linqa in your own bilingual context?

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